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By dazq
jhford wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 9:46 am What is the maximun resistance for nozzles is 14ohm resistance too much?
How many injectors are you connecting in parallel on each channel?
And it's not a maximum resistance that's an issue but minimum. The lower the resistance the more current that is drawn by the injectors from the output of the speeduino(lookup ohms law )

Injectors in the range 12-15 ohms are pretty common and speedy has no issues with even two of those (connected in parallel) on each output channel.

It's the low ohm (3-5 ohm) injectors that are not suitable for speedy without external resistance packs
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By La Team Prep
jhford wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 9:46 am What is the maximun resistance for nozzles is 14ohm resistance too much?
Hi, I would say it depends on what driver you use. The original Speeduino injector driver is capable of around 13 to 25 Amps!

Now that is rated for the "ON" state. Since injectors are pulse driven you can add 10 more amps to that (in normal condition).
Should be able to handle 2 in parallel but to be safe you can use a resistor in seri or a driver with a higher current output capability!
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