Discussion of the main Speeduino firmware itself
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Any general discussion around the firmware, what is does, how it does it etc.
380 Topics 
4519 Posts
Re: EFI for single cylinder
by SpeedyBee
Bugs / Issues
Any strange behaviour, crashing issues etc, post them here! Problems compiling the firmware should go in the General support section rather than here
297 Topics 
3149 Posts
Re: Reading RPM off 4 tooth i…
by Lex_GTX
Feature Requests
For anything you'd like to see added to Speeduino
245 Topics 
2789 Posts
Re: 6 Cylinder Sequential
by Lackoffuel

Appreciate a bit of help with a pair of 2017 to 20[…]

I don't know the signal form, so I would try jumpe[…]

Voltage ±10% is fine for testing. Note GM […]

6 Cylinder Sequential

Really? Chamber pressure is going to be about at[…]

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