Posts related to hardware development, whether it's the main shield, add-ons or any related project.
Title Statistics Last post
Official Boards
For anything related to the 'official' Speeduino boards (Eg v0.3, v0.4 etc)
202 Topics 
2173 Posts
Re: can not connect the pc
by dazq
User designed boards
For discussion of Speeduino compatible boards designed / built by other members of the forum and for guidance around making such a board
197 Topics 
5592 Posts
Firmware 202501 with bootload…
by chaoschris
Accessory boards
For any add-on boards such as VR conditioners, optos and OEM interface boards
144 Topics 
3314 Posts
Re: LM324/358 VR Conditioner
by keanecn
General Hardware
Anything not specifically related to the Speeduino hardware. Eg sensors, bluetooth, displays etc
262 Topics 
2328 Posts
Re: Cam position sensor

I have uploaded firmware 202501 to github and ther[…]

Bottom left with alpha-n.

Probably. :lol: There are several ways to connec[…]

Evening, I finally got it working with the last L[…]

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