General talk about anything related to Speeduino, including questions. If you need some help or assistance, feel free to create a thread here. Project threads are also welcome here.
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881 Topics 
8257 Posts
Re: Corvair no spark, Tuner S…
Getting started
Any questions you have before you begin buying, building and installing.
1012 Topics 
8731 Posts
Re: Trigger wheel...
User Projects
Help with building your Speeduino, installing it, getting it to run etc.
1485 Topics 
22138 Posts
Re: Pairing vESC with Speedui…
Trigger wheel...

The Non-360 decoder can work for some tooth […]

Sounds like a 36-1 wheel. First step is to get an[…]

Have anyone done this? How could it be done? Thi[…]

I'm having fun in multiplayer mode! I can observe […]

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