General talk about anything related to Speeduino, including questions. If you need some help or assistance, feel free to create a thread here. Project threads are also welcome here.
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For any discussion not specifically related to your project
880 Topics 
8254 Posts
Re: Corvair project Back fire…
by Rednaxs60
Getting started
Any questions you have before you begin buying, building and installing.
1011 Topics 
8729 Posts
Re: Trigger wheel...
by FreetimePowersports
User Projects
Help with building your Speeduino, installing it, getting it to run etc.
1483 Topics 
22127 Posts
Please walk me through digita…
by Mykk

Thanks for the reply ,also how hard to you think i[…]

Newbe again. O2 sensor and AFR table. Enabling t[…]

Hello, Please walk me through digital dash optio[…]

6 Cylinder Sequential

Regarding to the question why sequential. Wasted[…]

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