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NB2 Miata UA4C Tach
by nm145 -   - in: User Projects
0 Replies
by nm145
Typo in Case 55 (Teensy) of init.ino?
by gwynethh -   - in: Bugs / Issues
0 Replies
by gwynethh
New to forum, but long time follower
by Wombat -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by Wombat
Arduino Portenta H7 development
by gPortilla -   - in: General
0 Replies
by gPortilla
SPAM limitations?
by PSIG -   - in: Forum
0 Replies
Runaway Idle
by jake561 -   - in: User Projects
0 Replies
by jake561
Timing Light
by jake561 -   - in: User Projects
0 Replies
by jake561
can I wire custom buttons to use internal functions
by hytrozion -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by hytrozion
Just want to say Hello.
by jonbill -   - in: Official Boards
0 Replies
by jonbill
Glitches on tuner studio
by dmerc -   - in: User Projects
0 Replies
by dmerc
2005 Miata Tachometer Not Working
by Edraj -   - in: User Projects
0 Replies
by Edraj
Fiat Punto mk1 1.6 16v swap - sensor, boost by gear, knocksensems and a lot of more questions
by AnteLo -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by AnteLo
vq30 trigger pattern
by gt2limited -   - in: Feature Requests
0 Replies
by gt2limited
Crank and/or cam trigger kit
by Shuckles -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by Shuckles
Just a thank you guys n gals
by Eddie78 -   - in: General
0 Replies
by Eddie78
[KLUDGE] Linux Fails to Reconnect at Same /dev/rfcommX Serial Port
by thetoivonen -   - in: General
0 Replies
by thetoivonen
multiply % and table blending?
by burdickjp -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by burdickjp
custom channel editor
by Dalenutbrown -   - in: General
0 Replies
by Dalenutbrown
Looking for a hint for a problem in a tune, IDLE, Trigger / rpm issues
by Kalns -   - in: General
0 Replies
by Kalns
Ongoing comms issues
by turbodog -   - in: Bugs / Issues
0 Replies
by turbodog
by Eddie78 -   - in: User Projects
0 Replies
by Eddie78
help with wiring
by s12 -   - in: User Projects
0 Replies
by s12
mitsubishi pajero 1uz swap launch control problem-solve
by ofireg98 -   - in: General
0 Replies
by ofireg98
Tuatara Miata
by Bullrush -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by Bullrush
Dual VR conditioner Rev:3.5, Bulgaria
by UKTCHunter -   - in: Speeduino Hardware
0 Replies
by UKTCHunter
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Battery Voltage Warning

Oh my god, I found out where the board type is s[…]

I know this is going to be an issue. Just asking […]

Motronic 1.1/1.2/1.3 55pin v2.2 boards

I have 2 new v2.2 boards. If you have a cool proje[…]

A log is more useful than a video. Hardware testin[…]

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