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V04.3d Reset jumper and wiring
by Pacman -   - in: General Hardware
0 Replies
by Pacman
Help with displaying Speeduino data
by buc-ees -   - in: User Projects
0 Replies
by buc-ees
I would like to translate the Speeduino project into Chinese
by keanecn -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by keanecn
have RPM signals but fuel injector doesn't work?help me
by keanecn -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by keanecn
Idle settings - Run before start - Strange behaviour
by Nawakland -   - in: General
0 Replies
by Nawakland
Help with thermo fan PNP BMW M50tu
by dkauffman -   - in: User designed boards
0 Replies
by dkauffman
Help with thermo fan PNP BMW M50
by dkauffman -   - in: User designed boards
0 Replies
by dkauffman
Jeep renix 4.0l
by Limixj -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by Limixj
H22A distributor wiring to UA4C
by HitoriBocchi -   - in: General
0 Replies
by HitoriBocchi
Designing My First Board - Feedback Requested
by Rob -   - in: User designed boards
0 Replies
by Rob
Tiny injector driver
by acb96 -   - in: Accessory boards
0 Replies
by acb96
My speeduino reset constantly
by Motomino -   - in: Official Boards
0 Replies
by Motomino
Solder & Soldering Iron Recomendations
by Rob -   - in: Random
0 Replies
by Rob
Is that correct?
by Haterly -   - in: General
0 Replies
by Haterly
Nuvoton Mcu under test
by junior-q -   - in: General
0 Replies
by junior-q
Crank and cam trigger position ?
by mudzuk -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by mudzuk
Help: Convert output for fuel injector
by Lashonda Dorr -   - in: General
0 Replies
by Lashonda Dorr
C19 on Speeduino 0.4.3d TH board
by bugeye59 -   - in: Official Boards
0 Replies
by bugeye59
4 Blitzbox boards manufactured by jlcpcb for sale in Germany
by bewa0001 -   - in: Speeduino Hardware
0 Replies
by bewa0001
Firmware versions
by Rednaxs60 -   - in: General
0 Replies
by Rednaxs60
Speeduino support for high voltage peak and hold direct injectors
by Bill Petitjean -   - in: Getting started
0 Replies
by Bill Petitjean
DSpeed - yet another ATMega2560 version but with small twists
by DStage -   - in: User designed boards
0 Replies
by DStage
Motronic 1.1/1.2/1.3 55pin v2.2 boards
by GonnaBrickMyCar -   - in: Speeduino Hardware
0 Replies
by GonnaBrickMyCar
0.4.3c e36 m52b25
by jeffreyolson -   - in: General
0 Replies
by jeffreyolson
Pairing vESC with Speeduino for a piss-take on classic constant flow mechanical fuel injection
by N2_ -   - in: User Projects
0 Replies
by N2_
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Hello, I have just recently fired up my Speeduino[…]

programmable output

I understand better ! Thanks a lot

New here hello need help

Ok thank you for all the help I am going to build […]

it looks like you've not started with the base t[…]

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